DIY Installation 6cm for Pavers

These are instructions for dirt setting 6cm Pavers for driveways:

Driveway should be level— free of roots, uneven mounds of dirt, etc. It can be on a slope, as long as the slope is level.

Dig holes where pavers will be placed. Depth of hole depends on how much paver they want above ground. Recommended spacing between pavers in 6’ - 9’’.

Fill bottom of hole with 1’’ fine sand. This ensures the pavers stay put while settling. Fit paver into hole. Pack excess dirt/soil tightly around paver.

Plant grass plugs in joints between pavers, and around paver edges. As the grass grows in, the roots of the grass will secure the pavers in place, even in heavy rain on a slope. ** Not recommended for commercial use

We have 3 different sizes of 6cm Puka Lava Pavers in stock and are happy to assist you with your project.